Create your own website

  • Create Site
  • Add Tag
  • Add Slug
  • Add Content
  • Preview and Publish

Website name 

Site Name Site URL Site Status Action
manoj1 Unpublish
mysite Unpublish
testjane Unpublish
janedoe Unpublish

Setup your Site

  • Name of the Site

  • Create a tag
    • What is a tag: A label or a keyword for your page. Slugs will be created under a tag.
    • Use Existing
      • Select from the existing Subjects and Topics
      • Topics drop-down will change after selecting a subject
    • Create Custom
      • You can pick any name for your tag
      • Example: (
  • Create Slug
    • What is a slug: A slug is the part of a URL that identifies a particular page on a website in an easy-to-read form. Example: (
    • Create a Slug: You only need to do this when creating a “Custom tag”.
  • Add / Create content to a slug
    • Use existing
      • Select from existing games, videos, quizzes and worksheets
      • You can select only one game per slug
      • You can add multiple videos, quizzes and worksheets to the same slug
    • Create Custom
      • First select an existing slug and then you can customize the slug by creating your own game
      • To create a game, select from our predefined game templates
      • Add your own content to the selected games
    • Add External Link
      • First select an existing slug and then you can customize the slug by adding a link to any external website or even youtube